Suzdal — the museum town
It is the only museum town of the Golden Ring of Russia.
Within its territory, that is only 15 km² in area, you can find more than 270 samples of ancient architecture. And many of them are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Tourists from abroad often call this town “the Russian Vatican”.
It is the treasure house where numerous masterpieces of the Old Russian culture are stored. This town has not been changed since the end of the 18th century. Here you will not find any industrial companies or buildings that have more than two storeys. You can feel the atmosphere of ancient Rus’ and learn about the routine of peasants in every yard.
The population of this nice town is 11000 people, and the number of tourists, coming here every year, is 60 times bigger. Besides, visiting Christian sacred places and museums, guests come to Suzdal to feel a special atmosphere that charms at first glance and forever. Here you will have the opportunity to fully enjoy silence and peace alone with the picturesque nature of central Russia. Nothing, except the beautiful carillons, will disturb you.
Suzdal is a hospitable festival town. In winter, guests are offered sledges decorated with bells that are drawn by trios of horses to slide down the snowy hills, as well as tasty mead and real Russian baths to warm themselves. In summer, tourists can have fun during the famous cucumber festival, bathe in the local river and listen to grasshoppers chirping all around them.
Every year, thousands of people come here to celebrate the Saviour of the Apple Feast Day, Christmas, Pancake Week and other holidays in accordance with ancient traditions and to get a lot of vivid impressions and warm memories that will remain with them for the entire life.